liesl CLI

liesl also offers a command line interface. This interface can be accessed after installation of the package from the terminal, e.g. create a mock LSL outlet producing fake EEG with

liesl mock --type EEG


usage: liesl [-h] {config,list,show,mock,xdf} ...

positional arguments:
    config              initialize the lsl_api.cfg for all users with system,
                        globally for this user with global or locally in this
                        folder with local
    list                list available LSL streams
    show                Visualize a specific LSL streams
    mock                mock a LSL stream
    xdf                 inspect an XDF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

liesl config

usage: liesl config [-h] [--default] [--sessionid SESSIONID]
                    [--knownpeers KNOWNPEERS]

positional arguments:
  {system,user,local}   system: /etc/lsl_api/lsl_api.cfg or
                        C:\etc\lsl_api\lsl_api.cfg on Windows. user:
                        ~/lsl_api/lsl_api.cfg or
                        C:\Users\username\lsl_api\lsl_api.cfg on Windows.
                        local: lsl_api.cfg in the current working directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --default             initializes a configuration from default
  --sessionid SESSIONID
                        sets the sessionid for this level
  --knownpeers KNOWNPEERS
                        set knownpeers for this level

liesl list

usage: liesl list [-h] [--field FIELD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --field FIELD  which field to print. For example: liesl list --field
                 '["name", "source_id"]'

liesl show

usage: liesl show [-h] [--name NAME] [--type TYPE] [--channel CHANNEL]
                  [--backend {mpl,ascii}] [--frate FRATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           name of the stream
  --type TYPE           type of the stream
  --channel CHANNEL     which channel to visualize
  --backend {mpl,ascii}
                        what backend to use
  --frate FRATE         at which frequency the plot will be updated

liesl mock

usage: liesl mock [-h] [--type TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --type TYPE  type of the stream

liesl xdf

usage: liesl xdf [-h] [-a AT_MOST] [-t TIMEOUT] filename

positional arguments:
  filename              filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a AT_MOST, --at-most AT_MOST
                        return lastest once that many streams were found,
                        regardloss of how long it takes. Useful if file is
                        very large, and can prevent parsing the whole file.
                        defaults to sys.maxsize because integers are required,
                        but unbound in python. Set it to 0' to load the file
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        return latest after this many seconds, regardless of
                        how many streams were found. Useful if the file is
                        very large, and you are sure you started recording all
                        streams at the beginnging, as this prevents parsing
                        the whole file. defaults to 1 second. Set it to 'inf'
                        to load the file completely