Welcome to LieSL’s documentation!

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LieSL is a set of convenient tools to manage LSL streams and record or load xdf files wrapping pyxdf. and LabRecorder.



pip install liesl


git clone https://github.com/pyreiz/pyliesl.git
cd pyliesl
pip install -e .

Basic Usage

Liesl offers a python API and a set of command line tools

Two common use case for the API are recording a set of streams with Session or subscribing a RingBuffer to a specific LSL Outlet detected by open_streaminfo().

Three common use cases for the CLI are mocking a Outlet for development and testing using liesl mock, printing information about all currently visible LSL outlets using liesl list, or fast peeking into the content of an xdf file with liesl xdf <filename> --at-most 10.

Indices and tables